Benefits of exercise in pregnancy

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When you’re finding it tough to finish a meal down in the first trimester, the second trimester will bring lots of changes to your body, and getting to the bathroom feels like a workout nearing your due date by the end of your third trimester, hitting the gym might not be your first thought. However, recent research suggests exercising during pregnancy brings awesome benefits like higher chances of normal delivery and stronger pelvic floor for faster postpartum recovery!

Just taking a stroll or doing some stretches, even around your block, can help you deal with your pregnancy mood swings and also help you sleep better. Turn it into a regular routine, and you’ll increase your chances of normal labour and quicker postpartum recovery. So, if you’re looking for a reason to put on those old sneakers, here it is!

Prenatal yoga, third trimester, exercising during pregnancy, pregnant mother, working out during pregnancy, pregnant mother, normal delivery.

Benefits of working out during pregnancy:

Almost everyone knows that exercising, be it through yoga, running or strength training can help you keep diseases like type 2 diabetes away and boost your general health. And when you’re a pregnant mother, there are even more convincing reasons to keep exercising – or start exercising even if you haven’t been into an workout routine before.

Sure, working out during pregnancy doesn’t promise an instant postpartum recovery or reduced back pain in pregnancy. But, most pediatricians suggest that doing mildly intense exercises during pregnancy is a fantastic way to have a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy. (Remember to check with your pediatrician before starting any workout routine during pregnancy. Some conditions might not go well with it.)

Working out during pregnancy, Prenatal yoga, third trimester, exercising during pregnancy, pregnant mother, pregnant mother, normal delivery.

The benefits of exercising during pregnancy are:

  • Improves your stamina and heart health:
    • As you might have guessed, exercising can enhance your overall fitness. Exercising strengthens your heart and blood vessels, which in turn gets your body prepared for your upcoming challenge: labour and delivery.
  • Reduced risk of complications during pregnancy:
    • Working out during pregnancy might decrease the chances of getting certain conditions like gestational diabetes. And if you do end up with gestational diabetes, regular exercise can help manage your insulin levels.
    • Also, working out during pregnancy improves your chance of having a normal delivery.
  • Lowers your blood pressure:
    • While blood pressure might increase occasionally during pregnancy, a significant jump can be a warning sign for preeclampsia. Regular exercise – in one study, just walking regularly, has been proven to prevent blood pressure from rising.
  • Reduce back and pelvic pain:
    • As your baby bump grows, it’s no surprise that your lower half can feel the extra pressure, leading to back pain in pregnancy and an achy pelvis. However, strengthening your abs along with pelvic floor exercises can help reduce lower-back and pelvic floor pain during late pregnancy.
    • When you’re at the gym, be cautious and skip exercises that might make your backaches worse or add new ones.
  • Improve your mood:
    • Women can be more prone to depression during pregnancy(prenatal depression – feeling depressed during pregnancy), with an estimated 1 in 2 of all pregnant women reporting increased depression or anxiety.
    • However, studies have discovered that exercising during pregnancy releases endorphins, making a positive impact on pregnancy mood swings and reducing stress and anxiety.
Prenatal yoga, third trimester, exercising during pregnancy, pregnant mother, working out during pregnancy, pregnant mother, normal delivery.
  • Fight fatigue:
    • Many women experience low-level tiredness during the first trimester and again late in the third trimester. While it may seem counterintuitive, sometimes getting too much rest might actually make you feel even more tired.
    • Absolutely, never overdo it, but an easy walk or a prenatal yoga class can totally help boost your energy levels.
  • Improve sleep:
    • Many expectant moms sometimes struggle to fall asleep, but those who stick to a consistent exercise routine (as long as it’s not right before bed, which can be a bit energizing) often notice an improvement in the quality of their sleep. They tend to wake up feeling more rested.
  • Relieve constipation:
    • An active body means active bowel – some moms find a lively 30-minute walk to keep things moving, while others say even a quick 10-minute stroll does the trick.
  • Reduce the chances of complications during delivery:
    • Pregnant mothers who worked out three times a week were less likely to have macrosomic babies (i.e., bigger babies), according to a study. Having larger babies can lead to complications for both the mother and the baby during delivery. Therefore, smaller babies can result in easy deliveries with fewer complications for both the mom and the little one.
  • Speed postpartum recovery:
    • When you boost your pregnancy fitness, you’re likely to recover more quickly after childbirth(postpartum). In a study, exercising moms tended to bounce back faster after labour, even when considering the type of delivery. They got back to daily chores sooner than those who didn’t exercise.

Engaging in regular exercise during pregnancy not only improves physical well-being but also supports mental and emotional health.  Appropriate pregnancy exercises can strengthen the body for labor and contribute to a smoother postpartum recovery. If you feel depressed during pregnancy, reach out for help at the earliest. Remember, you are not alone in this! The key is consulting with healthcare providers to customize a safe and beneficial routine for you. To help you better plan your pregnancy – How to Make a Birth Plan-Planning for Labor and Delivery. Embrace the joy of staying active during pregnancy, paving the way for a healthier and happier motherhood journey!

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Prenatal yoga, third trimester, exercising during pregnancy, pregnant mother, working out during pregnancy, pregnant mother, normal delivery.


First trimester, second trimester, third trimester, due date, exercising during pregnancy, normal delivery, pelvic floor, prenatal yoga, pregnancy mood swings, postpartum recovery, normal labour, yoga, strength training, workout, exercises during pregnancy, pregnant mother, working out during pregnancy, back pain in pregnancy, pediatricians, labour and delivery, depressed during pregnancy, exercising during pregnancy, depression during pregnancy, pelvic floor exercises.

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